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File Created: 21-Nov-2012 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  11-Jun-2020 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name GLORY, CAL 1-4, UT Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 104G018
Status Showing NTS Map 104G01W
Latitude 057º 09' 31'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 24' 29'' Northing 6335930
Easting 414835
Commodities Silver Deposit Types G : MARINE VOLCANIC ASSOCIATION
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The area of the Glory showing is underlain by Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group rocks consisting of mudstone, siltstone, shale, greywacke and minor conglomerate. Both the The Hazelton rocks are intruded by fine-grained, light green to yellow quartz phyric felsic intrusive rocks of Jurassic to Tertiary age. The felsic rocks are generally massive and contain small rounded quartz eyes up to 3 millimetres diameter. Flow banding was observed in the northern part of the Cal 4 claim and at the Glory Showing.

Sedimentary rocks in contact with felsic dikes/sills at the Glory Showing are strongly silicified and contain massive pyrite veins and lenses up to 1.0 metre wide and 60 metres long. Mineralization is concordant with bedding and appears volcanogenic.

At the Glory showing base and precious metal analyses were low. One sample graded 10,875 parts per billion mercury, 0.066 per cent arsenic and 1 gram per tonne silver with elevated values in zinc (Assessment Report 20998). Silver values around 1 gram per tonne were common with the highest value being 3 grams per tonne silver. Several samples were over1000 parts per billion mercury.

In May and June 1990, an initial reconnaissance exploration program was conducted on the Cal claims by Stow Resources. A total of 73 rocks, 170 soils, 37 silts and 10 heavy mineral samples were collected. In late 1990 Stow Resources completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical sampling on the Cal 1-4 claims. A total of 13 rock, 122 soil and 10 silt samples were collected in September of 1990.

The 2019 geophysical data interpretation by Geotronics Consulting for Wild West Gold Corp over the UT property indicates magnetic highs and lows that are several kilometers long and strike, for the most part in a northerly direction. These are thought likely to be reflecting rocks of the Hazelton and Stuhini Groups with the highs probably reflecting the volcanics as well as intrusives, and the lows, the sediments. The UT property is located on the eastern edge of a northerlystriking magnetic high, but within a northwesterly-striking low that occurs as an embayment within this high. This embayment low is likely reflecting Hazelton Group sediments, which, as can be seen on the geology map strikes northwesterly across the property. The magnetic high, which is to the immediate north of the property, is likely reflecting volcanics of the Stuhini Group. Geotronics Consulting suggests that the Hazelton Group sediments, that the geology map shows to occur to the immediate northeast of the property, may be relatively thin and that the volcanics may occur at not too great a depth or much closer to the property than the geology map shows. Geotronics Consutling reports that magnetic low lineations are revealed which are often the result of linear structures, most commonly faulting, and are prime areas of mineralization, especially where the possible faults cross. The UT Property occurs within an area of three lineations/possible faults with the Glory showings occurring along the predominant west-northwesterly striking lineation. Another northwest-striking lineation is located along the southwest corner of the property and the Rojo Grande showing to the northwest occurs along this lineation.

EMPR ASS RPT 20430, *20998, 38228
EMPR OF 1992-5
GSC P 71-44
GSC MAP 9-1957; 11-1971; 1418A